Water Sort - Color Puzzle Game
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Water Sort - Color Puzzle Game is a fun and addictive casual puzzle game developed by IEC Global Pty Ltd. The game is easy and simple to play, players just need to sort the different colors of water inside the glass, and finally pour the same color water into a glass, this game can exercise the player's thinking mode, let a challenging but relaxing game to exercise your brain!The game's graphics are designed to be very simple, but they don't take away from the playability of the game for that reason. The gameplay is straightforward, the game is challenging but the whole process will be enjoyable and relaxing, and I believe Water Sort - Color Puzzle Game will bring players a different kind of fun experience.There are no limitations in the game, such as time, penalties. Players just need to follow their own ideas, the whole game process is very free, players just devote themselves to it, if you like relaxing games, if you especially like to play puzzle games, Water Sort - Color Puzzle Game will be perfect for you!


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Version: 3.0.13/3.1.0
Size: 110.32MB/47.19 MB
Updated: 3/6/2024
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