Sky: Children of the Light
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Sky: Children of the Light is a simulation social game, in the journey to explore the vast world, and people from all over the world to meet, meet, know and help each other; surprise and touching experience, and strangers to light each other, together, to open a unique social adventure. Join hands with your loved ones, pick up courage and faith, and embark on a fantastical and surprising social adventure together; in the journey of chasing light and dreams, companionship makes the road ahead no longer lonely.Witness a grand and ever-changing sky kingdom, soar as you wish in a dream-like sea of clouds; walk with clouds, resonate with love, freely pursue the dream of "flying" in the vast world, and take your heart as the end.


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Version: 0.15.5/0.15.5 (179644)
Size: Nov 18, 2021/1.3G
Updated: 3/6/2024
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